Abstract |
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A graph labeling is an assignment of integers to the vertices or edges or both subject to certain conditions. Labeled graphs are becoming an increasingly useful family of Mathematical Models from abroad range of applications. The graph labeling problem that appears in graph theory has a fast development recently. This problem was first introduced by Alex Rosa in 1967. Since Rosa's article, many different types of graph labeling problems have been defined around this. This is not only due to its mathematical importance but also because of the wide range of the applications arising from this area, for instance, x-rays, crystallography, coding theory, radar, astronomy, circuit design, and design of good Radar Type Codes, Missile Guidance Codes and Convolution Codes with optimal autocorrelation properties and communication design. An enormous body of literature has grown around the subject in about 1300 papers. They gave birth to families of graphs with attractive names such as graceful, Harmonious, felicitous, elegant, cordial, magic, and antimagic, bimagic and prime labeling etc. A useful survey to know about the numerous graph labeling methods is the one by J.A. Gallian recently [2011].All graphs considered here are finite simple and undirected. |